This activity is of a type which requires a proper methodology that has to be followed if you want to bridge the gap between your colleagues through this bridge building activity. Two main ground rules for this activity to achieve the final result are coordination and communication. Team work and strategic planning are important requisites that help in executing the idea. The whole process requires people to interact with each other and develop an understanding as to what each team does, so that they can channelize team efforts to be in sync with the other teams although teams cant see each other .
Each team functions independently but in continuous coordination with the other teams, throughout the entire activity.
The whole idea is to construct a stable, freestanding bridge, parts of which has to be built by the respective teams. Each
team would be provided with the necessary miscellaneous articles, to be used for constructing the bridge.
The activity is all about
1. Each team constructing a part of the bridge, with judicious use of the raw material provided.
2. Strategy and planning during the life cycle of the activity.
3. Connecting and bringing together parts of the bridge using ‘connectors’. Each of the connectors has a pair that
4. would only connect with one particular connector.
5. It is important to communicate with the rest of the teams, in order to analyse which connector lies with which team.
6. The teams are interdependent that urges people to be in solidarity.
7. Efficient allocation of resources make them do the activity effectively.
1. There is effective and efficient team work
2. Creativity and innovation are not compromised
3. There is no barrier to interdepartmental communication
4. Judicious use of resources.
5. Work for the Single Goal.